
Medical Facilities
The workers & staff enjoy free health care benefits and Medicare. We have a qualified doctor who visits our factory every working day of the week.
Evacuation Plan
There are evacuation diagrams kept in the floors of the factory showing direction for all employees to exit in case of any emergency situations.

Pure Drinking Water
We know that is one of our primary mandate to provide safe clean drinking water to all our workers and we provide drinking water facilities at each floor working area.
House Keeping Team
The factory has a House Keeping Team for maintaining neat and clean environment/atmosphere in accordance with the Health and Safety Act of our country.

Emergency Exits
We have one extra emergency exit in all the floors for use by the workers in case of any emergency.
Electronic Attendance System
We have setup Electronic Attendance System for workers attendance’s, time recording and fair wages.

First Aid Boxes
For every 150 workers we have 04 (Four) trained persons in First Aid and Medicare. Fully equipped first aid boxes are located in all the working areas within easy access.
Fire Readiness
We have Fire Fighting Equipment and trained Fire Fighting Team, who are especially trained to deal with any fire emergency. We have arrangement for Fire Drills on regular basis i.e.; every month so that the team can perform their duty effectively when required.

Childcare Facilities
In addition to medical facilities we also provide free childcare services to our workers and ensure their children’s well-being.
Fire Protection System
Adequate numbers of Auto detectors are located at every department for detecting smoke and alarming the danger. Each of them has its own maintenance records to make sure they are in proper working order. Every floor is equipped with emergency alarms switch and floor indicating lights are located at common places and marked for easy identification.

Dinning & Prayer Room
Contents are coming soon
Back-Up Power
In addition to general power supply alternative backup generator is available to use in case of power failure as well as for emergencies. This is located at service room under all safety measures and regular checks are being made to make sure it’s in order for emergency use